A first and second-grade play at Smithfield Elementary, 1948-49. Notice the advertising for B.C. Redding’s Grocery Market/Filling Station above the curtain.
A quilting bee pauses to show their work in the 1940s.
Standing: Faye Hudler, Hattie West, Mae Turner, Mrs. O’Dell, Imogene Gilbert, Kathryn (Morrow) Autrey.
Seated: Virgie Estill, Pat Baldwin, Billie Wolf, Pauline Morrow, and Mary Johnson.
Richland Bowl at the 1957 opening. The facility originally cost $300,000 to build. The builder was Ray Lofland and was advertised as “The first modern Bowling Alley in Tarrant County with a country club atmosphere.” Originally 16 lanes, it was soon…